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Quality Homes blog


When Carol and Brian began their journey with Quality Homes, the goal was to build the perfect custom home on their beautiful land up in the Bruce Peninsula. It was a place they had utterly fallen in love with, and it was their final destination on their road to retirement. Over the past couple months, we have worked together to create the perfect home to suit their lot, a story we told in Part 1 of this exciting series. Having had the fun-filled experience of selecting the design and then choosing the features and finishes, it was time to move onto the next steps. But when building a Quality Home, what is the next step?


Building With Quality


At Quality Homes, we have always been committed to your peace of mind. Making the homebuilding process as transparent as possible not only offers the comfort of knowing how it works, but gives you an idea of the roadmap we’re following on this journey together. After choosing your lot, design, and finishes, it comes time for the hands-on work! In her blog, The Cottage Wife, Carol details the process of having the foundation built and site serviced.


“I’ve often been curious about how a foundation can be built on rock and not move. Needless to say the foundation phase of our new build was one I’d been looking forward to with great curiosity. Fortunately I didn’t have to wait for long!”

This is a question many of our clients have, and seeing how we build solid foundations in a place as rocky as Georgian Bay can be an eye-opening experience. If you’re wondering how it’s done, Carol does an amazing job of explaining how Quality Homes builds a reliable foundation on uneven terrain.

While our foundation work is being done on-site, our team is already getting busy inside the Quality Homes Factory in Kenilworth on their home. The most important step happens now – constructing the home!

The Factory Tour – A Sneak Peek Before Delivery


One of the biggest milestones in the journey with Quality Homes is touring the factory to see your home prior to completion. In our latest video, you can see the excitement in the air as Carol and Brian speak with us before heading inside.


“We’ve taken the factory tour before, so we know the process of Quality Homes, and how they build within the factory.”


Joining us for a public tour, however, is very different from visiting us for your private tour day. For one, our factory tours are usually held during lunchtime when it is quiet so we can explain the building process. But as a purchaser, on your tour day, our team is working hard to bring every modular home to life! On this day, under the direction of one of our experienced Building Consultants, you get to walk through the separate modules of your home, get a sense of the interior, and make sure everything is coming together perfectly.


“When you’re looking at a plan, you see a room, but you don’t really get a concept of how the space actually feels.”


Carol and Brian’s home is a custom version of our Woodstock model, with modifications that you can check out in Part 1. One of the modifications they made was adding a front foyer, and seeing that customization as soon as they stepped inside was incredibly gratifying! “We’ve added this whole front foyer!” Brian exclaims, while stepping inside. “We’ve added all of this space!”


Building In Every Season


Quality Homes has been designing, building and installing factory-built homes for over 35 years. We know how to keep a home safe from the elements! When the modules of our prefab homes are ready to be moved out of the factory and into the staging area outside to await delivery, they are wrapped up tight and secure to avoid anything getting inside and causing damage to the home. It also adds a level of privacy, so that nobody sees inside your home while it’s being delivered to your lot.


Building indoors means we build in a controlled environment, which already gives us an advantage over custom site-built homes, especially during the winter months, but what about the installation? As you’ll see in Carol and Brian’s video, we install homes all winter long! A little snow isn’t enough to keep us from completing your custom modular home. So long as we can safely transport your modules, we can do our jobs rain or shine. And that brings us to the most exciting part of all.

Delivery Day


It’s finally time. Quality Homes has loaded up your modules, securely strapped them to our trucks, and are ready to take the trip to your lot and expertly install it on the foundation. If you haven’t seen a Quality Homes install before, now’s the time! We’ve perfected the art and science of building, and our amazing installations are the best proof of that.


“Watching the roof get raised, and all the other things as they’re unwrapping the house and getting it ready for the lift reminds me of how amazing and smart and efficient the whole process is. And it’s a fascinating process, you’ve gotta come and watch it when your house is being built.”


There’s something incredibly special about seeing your dream home come to life in this way. The Road to Retirement offers a glimpse into this journey, with Carol and Brian graciously sharing this emotional occasion with all of us. Now that their home is safely installed on their site, there are only a few steps left before the Glovers will be moving into their brand new dream home in the new year.


The Next Steps


As the install completes on their new property, Brian lays out the last few things to finish before their home is complete. “We need a site-built garage,” he explains, “We need a site-built front porch, we need a site-built back deck. It’ll be interesting to watch over the next few weeks, the process to complete our new home.” These elements are simply better to build on-site as opposed to in a factory setting, to make sure they’re properly supported by a foundation. And after these components are complete, Quality Homes will finish the last of the siding where it’s needed, utilities will be hooked up, and Brian and Carol will be ready to move in.

Bundled in her snowy parka at the end of the day, Carol offered her final insights on the experience:


“Walking into the house for the first time, even though it’s not quite finished, was completely emotional. I feel like I’m at home already, and it’s not even done yet.”


To see us install Carol and Brian’s beautiful new home, watch the full video below! And don’t forget to check out The Cottage Wife to follow along with Carol’s updates as they continue along their journey.


We can’t wait to share with you the final chapter of their story!


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