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A Simple Guide To Permits

A Simple Guide For Getting Your Building Permits For Your Quality Home


You’ve dreamt of this moment for years, and now the timing is right. You are ready to pull the trigger on building your dream home! You have found the right lot in the perfect location, or found a teardown and you are eager to rebuild.


Prior to getting things in motion, you will need the right building permits. You start to research – What building permits do you need? How do you obtain them? How do you move forward?


At Quality Homes, we have been building homes (and dreams) for over three decades, and we know that this is a complex process. We are here to guide you through the permit process from start to finish.


It is also important to start gathering information about your lot so that we can better understand what we can build. Details like: lot description, lot size or a survey, as well as setbacks, height restrictions and any other bylaws which can influence the design of your build.


We have put together our insights on everything you need to know about permits so that you can be well on your way to living the life you have strived for.

Why are permits important?


Permits may sound confusing and sometimes even overwhelming, though, obtaining the right permits is a very important step in the process.


Building permits ensure that your home not only follows the Ontario Building Code but also that it follows specific municipal zoning and any other applicable laws. Even within the same municipality, requirements may vary from neighbourhood to neighbourhood or even from lot to lot. Specific considerations may range from things like hydro right of way, to setbacks, to other factors you may not have even thought about.


Quality Home clients need not worry! We have a dedicated Permit Coordinator who is here to assist you with the entire process to make it as seamless as possible.

Building new on a vacant lot?


The home of your dreams on the lot of your choice! Sounds amazing right?


Let us walk you through a critical first step: If you are building new on a vacant lot, your first step will be to contact your municipality. Speak directly with the Building Official (inspector) and have either the address or roll number ready. You will want to discuss in detail your proposal to determine if the project complies with applicable zoning regulations and municipal bylaws.


This initial conversation will not only help you avoid potential problems, but it could also save you a lot of time and money in the long run.


We have prepared a list of questions that you will want to ask the Building/Planning Official, to make things even more seamless for you:


  • Will a conservation approval have to be provided first? (Even if you think the answer is no, it is important to ask this question!)
  • What is the zoning?
  • What setbacks are allowed? (i.e. side, front, rear)
  • What is the maximum lot coverage?
  • What is the maximum building height?
  • Are there any other specific bylaws that need to be followed?


Prior to concluding your conversation with the Building/Planning Official, make sure that they tell you what information, drawings and plans you must include with your application and whether you will need any other permits and approvals.

Tearing down and rebuilding?


If you are tearing down an existing structure in order to rebuild, all of the above applies and more!


Moving a home off of its original footprint can sometimes lead to challenges or further implications. It is important to ask the Building/Planning Official whether or not you will require Minor Variance in order to do so.

How do we make your life easier?


At Quality Homes, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to have the custom home you have wanted. We have a dedicated Permit Coordinator who will guide you through the entire process of permitting your lot. We will also provide a full set of architectural drawings for your application. Quality Homes provides all the plans and schedules you require from the Foundation to the Trusses and everything in between including your new homes specific Designer One Schedule and Energy Efficiency Designer Summary (EEDS).

How much will this service cost you? 


The assistance of our Building Permit Coordinator is a service that we provide free of charge for our customers. Municipal building permit fees and development charges payable to the township, however, are the client’s responsibility.


If you are looking to build a custom home, contact Quality Homes today. Our service area includes Central & Southwestern Ontario, provided that we are able to access the lot and all building permit regulations, by-laws, zoning regulations and conservation approvals are met.



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